NHS 75th Anniversary

21st June 2023Patient information

July 5th will be the 75th birthday of our NHS, however we do not feel like it is the time to celebrate. Under the current climate, it is vital that we stand together to protect our NHS from the proposed changes being made which will drastically affect the core values. 


Join us on 5th July to honour the amazing success of the NHS in the recent past, and stand for the values as we know it. 

Travel Vaccinations

5th September 2022Patient information

We have paused our travel health vaccination service until further notice. This is due to the current polio virus outbreak in London. We are now prioritising the vaccination and protection of children at risk of catching polio. Should you require travel advice and vaccinations in the meantime please visit a local travel clinic. Thank you for your understanding.

Click here to find out more about Polio virus detected in sewage, London.

Shortages of Travel Vaccinations

19th July 2022Patient information

We have to reduce the number of travel consultation we can offer, due to the shortages of supply with common travel vaccinations such as Hep A and typhoid. The reception team will check with the nursing team about the stock availability before booking you an appointment. We will always try our best to accommodate patients, however when we run out of vaccines you will be advised to seek travel health advice from another provider. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

You may wish to visit CityDoc to find the nearest travel clinics.

Click here for more information about the vaccination we offer under the NHS.

Aberfeldy Stories – Dr Phillip Bennett-Richards

12th July 2022Patient information

The Aberfeldy neighbourhood has been the centre of major regeneration over the past 10 years, led by EcoWorld London and Poplar HARCA.

As part of their 10-year anniversary celebrations they have launched Aberfeldy Stories – an exhibition that explores the transformation of this neighbourhood through the lives of people that live here. Please read Dr Phillip’s story below. You can read more stories and listen to audio/podcasts by clicking on Aberfeldy Stories.

“I’m a GP family doctor. I think Aberfeldy residents are good, honest people. When they see that you’re trying to make a difference, then they take you to their souls. I have been working on the Aberfeldy for 22 years. I’m just about becoming accepted as a local! The regeneration of the Aberfeldy Estate, I think, has been a key factor in improving the health and the well being of the community.”
Dr Phillip Bennett-Richards

Listen to Dr Phillip’s podcast.
Reference: oxbow-eastlondon.co.uk/aberfeldy-stories/

Online Triage – AccuRx

19th May 2022Patient information

The practice is moving to AccuRx to deal with all online triage requests from the 23rd of May 2022. Please click on the image below to access the dedicated page to submit your request online. Please note that this service should not be used for urgent medical problems.

A guide to the spring booster for those aged 75 years and older and older residents in care homes

5th April 2022Patient information

Who is being offered a spring booster?
COVID-19 is more serious in older people and those with a weakened immune system. Protection from the vaccine may be lower and may decline more quickly in these people. For this reason people aged 75 years and over, those in care homes and those aged 12 years and over with a weakened immune system are being offered the spring booster.

Although vaccines are expected to provide good protection against severe COVID-19 disease, protection against mild infection with the Omicron variant seems to decline quickly, even after the booster dose.

This spring booster is being offered as a precaution to those at extremely high risk, most of whom received their first booster around 6 months ago. If the number of infections increases over the summer, this booster should help to reduce your risk of being admitted to hospital with COVID-19.

All eligible patients will receive a letter from the central NHS team to book the appointment. You can also book the appointment online. Please visit Book your covid vaccination online

To read more please visit A guide to the spring booster for those aged 75 years and older and older residents in care homes

Covid-19 vaccines

4th March 2021Flu vaccination, Patient information

If you are aged 70 and over or are clinically extremely vulnerable (high risk) and have not been contacted about having your first vaccine, please contact your GP for a COVID-19 vaccine. 

If you are a frontline health and social care worker, please book on the national booking system or using the staff booking system applicable in your organisation.

If you are aged 65-69 please book onto the national booking system for a list of vaccination sites or wait to get a letter from the NHS or be contacted by your GP.

If you are clinically vulnerable (moderate risk) or you are in receipt of a carer’s allowance, or if you are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if you fall ill, we are vaccinating people in this cohort, but please wait for your GP or council to contact you.

The NHS is prioritising vaccinating people who experts have agreed will benefit the most. We will let you know when it is your turn. Please see here for advice. 

There is comprehensive information, guidance, and answers to questions, including vaccination information for frontline health and social care staff, carers and clinical vulnerable (moderate risk) at COVID-19 Vaccination programme | East London Health & Care Partnership (eastlondonhcp.nhs.uk)

Introducing the NHS app

19th September 2019Online services, Patient information, Self care

The NHS App provides a simple and secure way for patients to book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and access a range of other healthcare services.

Who is it suitable for?

The NHS App is for people aged 13 and over who are registered with a connected GP surgery. You can use some of the app’s features without your GP surgery being connected.

How does it work?

With the NHS App you can:

  • check your symptoms – find reliable NHS information on hundreds of conditions and treatments, and get immediate advice
  • book appointments – search for, book and cancel appointments at your GP surgery
  • order repeat prescriptions – see your available medications and request a new repeat prescription
  • view your medical record – get secure access to your GP medical record
  • register to be an organ donor – easily manage your preferences on the NHS Organ Donor Register
  • choose how the NHS uses your data – register your decision on whether it can be used for research and planning