Wellbeing Services in Poplar and Limehouse
Range of services where patients from Aberfeldy Practice, Chrisp Street Health Centre, Gough Walk Practice, and Limehouse Practice can self-refer to various programmes.
Poplar & Limehouse Health and Wellbeing
ELFT NHS Community Adult Disordered Eating Service
More information regarding this service can be found on the link below:
Community Adult Disordered Eating Service
East London Community Eating Disorder Service (Adults) – English
East London Community Eating Disorder Service (Adults) – Bengali
Maternity Services
You can refer yourself to our local maternity services using the following links:
Barkantine Birth Centre
Barking Community Birth Centre
Newham Hospital
The Royal London Hospital
Whipps Cross Hospital
You may choose an alternative service if you prefer.
Advice about pregnancy and the care you will receive can be found here:
Pregnancy – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
If you feel you need further advice then please contact the surgery and ask to speak to one of the GPs
Sexual Health for all East London
More information about confidential sexual health services across all of East London.
Web: https://www.alleast.nhs.uk/
Emergency appointments: 020 7377 7307
Step Forward
Free & confidential services for all young people aged 11-25, living in & around Tower Hamlets, East London
Web: http://www.step-forward.org/
Tel: 020 7739 3082
Tower Hamlets Talking Therapies
Offers a range of free and confidential talking therapies and specialist self-management skills to help you feel better.
Web: https://towerhamletstalkingtherapies.nhs.uk/
Tel: 020 8475 8080
Quit Right Tower Hamlets
Quit Right Tower Hamlets provide stop smoking services to all residents and people who work or study here in Tower Hamlets. They also provide culturally sensitive for people from the Somali, South Asian and migrant communities who chew tobacco or use paan. Female advisors are available and patients can be seen one-to-one or in a group setting.
web: http://quitrightth.org
Tel: 020 7882 8230
Docklands Outreach
Docklands Outreach is health and preventative support agency providing practical and therapeutic support to children (3-13 years old) and young (12-21 years old) living in Tower Hamlets, on a range of emotional and mental health difficulties. These can range from low mood, depression, anxiety, self-harm, to young people effected by racism, family difficulties, identity, culture, alcohol or substance misuse. Or those who need support with accessing positive activities, training or employment opportunities. Support is also provided to parents who have children aged 3-13 years, with emotional and behavioural difficulties.
Web: http://www.dockout.org.uk/
Tel: 020 7538 1601
MIND in Tower Hamlets
MIND is a national mental health charity with a local branch, offering advice, support and talking therapy for mental health problems.
Web: https://www.mithn.org.uk/
Tel: 020 7510 1081
Marie Stopes UK
You don’t need a GP referral to access NHS funded abortion care. We’ve been helping people with their reproductive health options for over 40 years. We provide NHS-funded and self-funded abortion and vasectomy care through our network of local clinics all over England. You can give us a call whenever you need us. Our advice line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Web: https://www.msichoices.org.uk/
Tel: 0345 300 8090
The Primary Care Gambling Service
Problem gambling commonly has a negative impact on an individual’s physical health, that of their family, and the community. Problem gamblers report high rates of physical and psychiatric complaints, including various stress-related conditions, depression, anxiety spectrum disorders, substance misuse, and personality disorders. It is also a very hidden addiction.
self-refer via the following link:
Musculoskeletal Issues
You can now use getUbetter app to help with you with common MSK conditions and injuries. This is a Digital self-management application you can download on your phone. This is a beneficial tool to self-manage your symptoms, whilst waiting to be seen by a practitioner. Use the link below to self-refer, please note the link is only intended for patients registered with the practice.
Common conditions:
- Back
- Leg
- Shoulder
- Hip
- Knee
- Ankle
- Lower Limb: soft tissue injury
- women’s pelvic health